Elva Chen





For The Awkwards

CTG Inkjet Printer

Threads of Expressions

Some Grey  
Lucid Motors

SSENSE Search Reimagined

Muse, Futurism in Fashion

Furniture, Objects
Furniture Design
Industrial Design
Industrial Design
Design Research

Industrial Design
Experiential, Branding
Interface Design
Publication Design

For The Awkwards
Furniture, Objects, Exhibition
With an interest in spatial design and a fascination with objects and furniture, Cameron and I stumbled upon the typically overlooked corner spaces, leading them to explore and investigate the deeper meanings of corners across different spaces and settings, as well as understanding people's relationships with them.

During their exploration, they discovered a group of individuals—those they call "the awkwards." These individuals mysteriously vanish into the shadows of social gatherings, often gravitating toward the forgotten corners where they find relief among the chaos of human interactions.

"For The Awkwards" delves into the unique social dynamics of corner spaces in bustling environments, highlighting how these unassuming areas serve as spaces of comfort for those seeking respite from the demands of social interactions. Through their exploration, Elva and Cameron reveal the subtle yet profound impact that corners have on our interactions and experiences in shared environments.

< The Corner Artifacts >

Artifact No. 1
The Seat for the Awkward:
For those who just feel a little awkward
41.5 x 161 x 34.5 cm

Artifact No. 2
The I’m Not Here: For those who 
would like to avoid some human interaction
73.5 x 95.7 x 2.25 cm
Wooden Dowel, Canvas


Artifact No. 3
The Other Corner –
For those who would like to meet the other awkward
23 x 22.5 x 18.75 cm
Plywood, Acrylic, Two Surface Pros

Artifact No. 4
The Peekiscope –
For those who would like to participate from a distance
96.25 x 20.5 x 17.7 cm
Plywood, Two iPhones

<The Exhibition >

We distributed our creations across the exhibition space,
using posters and cards as a wayfinding system to guide viewers to our corner spaces

< Meet the Family >

We had a photoshoot with the artifacts to bring them out of their shell for a bit, 
they immediately went back to the corners after the shoot

< Our Fifth Concept >

The one that unfortunately didn’t make the cut
but we didn’t want to make it feel left out so we brought it with us to the shoot 

Artifact No. 4
The Corner Hug – 
For those who feel over stimulated from the crowd and just want a hug
Very big cm
A lot of Canvas and Foam

< Our Process >

Our process for creating this project was quite an interesting one to say the least, here are some behind the scenes of how we brought them to life

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 © 2024